what is email-benefits of email detailed information a 2 z
what is email-benefits of email detailed information a 2 z what is email: The full form of E-mail is eloctronic mail, when we send a letter ie mail to any other computer or other device with the help of internet, then this process is called email. Today email is used officially to send and receive information in government departments and places like offices, schools, colleges etc. Email works in the same way as any ordinary mail works, just as we need the address of that person or organization to send a simple mail. In the same way, in email also, we should have the email address of the person or organization to whom we are emailing. Like while writing a simple letter, we write the name and address of the recipient above the envelop and the name of the sender below or behind the envelop and write our message on the paper inside, Similarly, to email someone, we need an email address which is made up of username and domain name. For example, mail@gmail.com is an email address in which the name before the @ is called the user name and the name after the @ is called the domain name. With the help of email, we can send our application, biodata, resume, images etc. or any other attachments to any specific individual or group of individuals through internet and we do not have to pay any fee for doing any email. In today’s time, many companies are providing the facility of email and they do not charge any fee for this facility. The names of some famous companies to these companies are as follows :- gmail, yahoomail, rediffmail etc. What can you do with email? Although Email was used to send text messages, but in today’s time we can send many types of files to anyone by attaching them to Email. For example, we can also send images, PDF, document, audio, video, program or any other file with email. Benefits of email ( what is email) Email has many advantages over ordinary email like Instant delivery When we send an email to someone, it gets delivered at the same time (within a certain time period) to the sent address because the delivery speed of emails is very fast. Instant reply When we get someone’s email, we can reply to that email at the same time whereas in normal mail it can take many hours or days to send a reply to someone. Stored communication Ordinary mails are written on paper which can be cut, torn or even burnt or lost somewhere. But Email keeps a record of all our conversations, which we can see anytime, print them and forward them to anyone. A copy of each email we send is stored on the email service provider’s mail server until we intentionally delete it. free communication The cost of emailing is negligible because in email we do not use ordinary mail like paper, pen, envelope or ticket etc. Our expenses are only incurred in using the internet because most of the email service providers also provide the facility of emailing for free. In email, we only need internet, computer or laptop or smartphone. An email account is also necessary for emailing and we also create this account for free, in this we do not have to spend a single penny. Secure communication Ordinary mails are often lost or accidentally sent to someone else But emails are very secure because wherever the email goes, only they can read this email. And to read this email, he opens his email account with a login id and password, no one can read that email without login id and password. Different types of file sharing In email, we can also share multimedia files and various types of document files and audio, video files, images. what is email Losses from email ( what is email) Emails have many advantages, but along with it there are also some disadvantages which are as follows. Internet connectivity We all depend on Internet connectivity to send or receive emails. And good internet connectivity is not available in many places, Due to which when we have to email, our computers / smartphones etc. are not able to connect to the internet and due to this it becomes sometimes difficult to do emails in such places. Spam / unsolicited email Many companies do email marketing to expand their business or to sell their goods/services. And in this email marketing, they email more and more people. In which there are also such people who do not want their goods / services and for them those emails are unwanted ie undesirable emails. When these are filled in our inbox in large numbers, it becomes difficult to find the emails we need, such emails are called spam. email files size limitation You can share files through email, but the size of the files should be of a certain limit, We cannot send large size files in Emails, there are some rules on Files size in Emails, such as Gmail cannot send large files larger than 25 Mb via email. email files types limitation Not all types of files can be sent in emails, only certain types of files can be sent through email. For example, files whose formats are doc, xls, pdf, txt, html or mp3 etc., then such files can be sent by email but exucatable formats like .exe files cannot be sent by email, To send .exe files, first those files have to be converted into .zip file and after that you can send them through e-mail. Technical Knowledge You should also have some technical knowledge to email. Like you should be able to run computer / smartphones etc and also you should be able to use the website / app of the email service provider you are using, You should know that after sending the email, it is visible in sent or not, whether it is not lying in the outbox,
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