What is CPU in detail,CPU Core,CPU types,complete & in easy langauge in 1 article
What is CPU in detail,CPU Core,CPU types,complete & in easy langauge in 1 article Friends If you do not know what is CPU, then this article What is CPU in detail is for you only. Although all the devices are important in the computer, but the CPU is the most important device of any computer and the CPU is as important for the computer as our brain is for humans. It is very important for those studying computer to know the answer to some questions like What is CPU in detail What is the definition of CPU What are the functions of CPU how cpu works, What are the types of CPUs Components of CPU, CPU Full form etc So to understand CPU better, read this article What is CPU in detail completely. so let’s know What is CPU in detail CPU is an electronic device. The CPU is called the Central Processing Unit. Some people consider a big box attached with a computer as a CPU, but that box is not a CPU, but you can call it a cabinet. CPU is considered as the brain of the computer? Just like in our body our brain directs and controls all our actions. In the same way, the CPU in a computer directs and controls all the processes happening inside and outside it and that is why the CPU is called the brain of the computer Where is CPU in computer CPU is a small chip installed on the motherboard of the computer. Which processes all the instructions of the computer and gives the result according to the given program and instruction. All the input process and processing of all the data/instruction in the computer, storage and outputting of the final result obtained after processing, etc., are all done under the supervision of the CPU itself. In a way, we can say that the cpu does all the work done by the computer system and the cpu also controls all these tasks. Therefore, the performance of our computer system is decided by the CPU itself. (you are reading What is CPU in detail) Why is the CPU called the brain of the computer? Just as all the functions of man are conducted by the mind of man. In the same way, all the functions of the computer are operated by the CPU and that is why the CPU is called the brain of the computer. Just as a man can do all the work with his mind. In the same way, the computer also does all the work through the CPU itself. When we input any data / information in the computer, the CPU processes that data / instruction and after processing it saves it in the computer’s memory device (storage device) or according to the user’s desire. Gives to the user through the device As technology is developing, we are in need of Fast CPU because to process complex processes, Fast CPU is required which can do different types of complex calculations easily and simultaneously, its Also, can process many processes simultaneously i.e. can do multitasking. What does cpu do (Functions of CPU ) CPU is the most important device of any computer and all the work happening in the computer is done under the supervision of CPU. The CPU does the work of inputting, processing, storing, outputting data / information in the computer, as well as controlling the entire computer system. (you are reading What is CPU in detail) CPU Parts (Parts of CPU ) There are mainly 3 parts of CPU Arithmetical Logical Unit (ALU) Control Unit (CU) CPU Registers Some people consider memory units as part of cpu which is wrong Only CPU registers are the part which is considered in memory. Let’s understand it in detail Also Read : know computer in easy language detailed information A 2 Z Arithmetical Logical Unit (ALU) Arithmetical Logical Unit (ALU) processes all arithmetic and logical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc. and also processes comparison functions such as true or false, yes or no, additionally performs logical operations For example, if any given condition 1 out of the instructions given in a program is true, then to do a particular task (like A) Or to do some other work (like B) if condition 2 is true, ALU also does this type of logical work Arithmetical Logical Unit, which is called ALU is a major part of CPU. ALU is the place inside the computer where the instructions are executed. All the calculations and comparisons in the computer are done in the ALU. The data/instruction that is kept in the primary memory (RAM) before processing, is picked up from the primary memory (RAM) and placed in the ALU for processing. When the data / instruction process is done and if any input / output operation is required in this processing (like taking any necessary data from the user with the help of keyboard or mouse) Then the work of data / instruction that has been processed so far (which is called the intermediate result of processing) is picked up from the ALU and placed again in the primary memory (RAM). (This transfer of intermediate result from ALU to primary memory (RAM) is temporary and when this intermediate result is required in ALU, then this intermediate result is taken to ALU again) When data / instructions are sent to the primary memory ( RAM ) for input / output operation At the same time, the second data / instruction from the primary memory ( RAM ) is given to the ALU to process In this way, when all the data / instructions are processed one by one, then at the very end the final result is sent to the primary memory (RAM), In this way all the data/instruction kept in the primary memory is processed by the ALU. (you are reading What is CPU in detail) Control Unit (CU) Control Unit is abbreviated as CU. Control Unit is used
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